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She was told to stay within her form.

Her path had been plotted generations before by




who knew what was best

and did what was best

and brought out the very worst in all of us.

She was told to stay within her form.

And not to let her voice echo down the corridors

in case the younger children were listening at the door.

Up past their bedtime.

What a poor example you have become.

She was told to stay within her form and




Her skirt was too short.

Her words were too sharp.

Her thoughts could be seen when they were not wanted

and it made THE PEOPLE uneasy.

She was told to stay within her form.

To contain.

To constrain.

To refrain.

To regress.


she wished to be terrifying.

Oh, how she wished to be terrifying.

For the form she was in had already begun to crack

years before when she was just a little girl.

It was about to shatter now

any breath could do it and she would be free.

But what would become of the the poor misspoken girl

when she decided for herself?

What wonderful things could become.

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