Picture Book Dummies
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A Boy And The Lion
When a young boy moves from the country to the Big City he is faced with strange new sights, crowds of people and so many loud noises everywhere. His fear of these things causes him to miss the beauty (and the color) that is all around him. But then he makes a new friend, who has also come from very far away, and the boy learns through being brave that the city really is a beautiful place to live. This story is told in part black and white illustrations that slowly turn to color as the boy gets braver.
The Girl And The Sea
There once was a girl who loved the Sea in that magical, best friends who want to do everything together, sort of way. Everyday the Girl greets the Sea but the Sea is shy and doesn't know how to answer her back. The Girl and the Sea spend hours together, having adventures, building castles and watching every night as the sun melts away just beyond the horizon. But when the Girl is no longer able to come greet the Sea, the Sea is filled with regret that it never showed the Girl it loved her too. We don't all express ourselves the same way, but with a little courage, perhaps the Sea will find a way to greet the Girl when she comes back and finally let its true feelings be understood.
Quinn Marie Maribel Trulane lives on a street where everything looks the same, and she is sick of it! It's the middle of winter, and the only colors Quinn can see outside her window are depressing browns, drab grays and boring whites everywhere. So she decides to do something about it. With a little creativity, and a lot of found things, Quinn transforms her boring street into SPECTACULAR!
Extra Special Wishing Stars
Extra Special Wishing Stars is a simple story that highlights the diverse world around us. E spends their seventh birthday handing out extra special wishing stars to the rainbow of extra special people in their life so at the end of the day they can all make a wish together. Mama, Papa and baby Maya, Mr. Wu, who’s apartment always smells of delicious spice and tea, Mrs. Gupta who lives downstairs and even Snuffles the cat, they each get a star. By the end of the day E only has one star left. Who will it be for?
Mabel Is The Star Of The Week
It’s finally Mabel’s turn to be the Star Of The Week and she’s prepared! Poster done? Check! New bow for her stuffie? Check! Favorite outfit ready? Check! But, oh no! One of her absolutely perfect best ever socks in the universe is missing! What is Mabel going to do? Will she refuse to go to school? Will her feet freeze off because she decided to wear no socks at all? Will Star Of The Week be ruined forever and ever? Sometimes, no matter how prepared you are, unexpected things can happen. Join Mabel as she gets creative and finds a way to make everything OK.
The Perfect Balloon
The perfectly plump and beautifully bright balloon wants nothing more than to be admired and played with but she spends the day hiding her imperfections from the world and misses out on every opportunity. In the end, with her ribbon in shreds, her helium deflated and sitting in a pile of mud, she decides she is done with perfection. In doing so she allows herself to be seen for what she is, the perfect balloon to bring joy to a group of children in need.
Oh, So Very Brave!
When Mei doesn’t return from one of her adventures, ever fearful Mouse imagines the worst, that Mei has lost the magic star from her hat and can no longer find her way home. Mouse attempts to be brave, like Mei, to try and save her, but his fears (and a giant mouse-eating-owl!) prove to be too much for him to handle. In the end, Mouse learns that being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid, it means that you keep going even when you are.
I Bark!
Scout knows that the mailman is not actually a mailman, but a werewolf in disguise! He must bark, bark, bark to scare him away before he breaks inside. Will Scout successfully keep the Master safe while the children are away? Will a dragon burn the house down? Will an enemy break in? Will an approaching storm flood the gardens? Or will our hero Scout successfully scare all the dangers away in time for the children to return home safely?